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Face Treatment


What is FaceTite?

FaceTite (by Inmode) is an advanced energy-based technology that offers a mild alternative to a surgical face or neck lift.

The FaceTite is a non-surgical facial contouring and skin tightening device that employs radio-frequency (RF) energy to effect fat lipolysis and collagen contraction in order to effectively tighten the skin and reduce small pockets of fat. 

Our recommended doctors have extensive training and experience in using FaceTite technology to contour the face and neck for youthful natural-looking results.

2-4 months
Surgery time
1 hour
5-7 days
3-5 years

FaceTite Before and After Photos

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What is FaceTite for?

FaceTite can be used as a non-surgical option utilising RF technology to restore a youthful appearance for both men and women. FaceTite can effectively target:

  • Jowling
  • Sagging skin in the neck (also referred to as ‘turkey neck’)
  • Sagging of the cheeks
  • Drooping in the forehead and brow
  • Sagging of the nasolabial (nose-to-mouth) folds
  • Sagging of the lower face, around the mouth and mouth-to-chin lines
  • Swollen or puffy eye-bags under the eyes
  • Reduction of fatty deposits in the jawline and chin, also known as ‘double chin’

How does it work?

Most radio-frequency skin tightening treatments available in the market apply RF energy externally. Consequently, and in order to prevent damage to the epidermis (outermost layer of the surface skin), it utilises lower heating temperatures, requiring repeated sessions and achieving limited results. 

The FaceTite technology applies radio-frequency energy subdermally by a probe inserted through ‘punctures’ made on either side of the face and under the chin. 

The probe is then moved underneath the surface of the skin whilst the electrode glides along the outer surface. This allows for optimised skin contraction and fat cell destruction to recontour and lift the face, without the risk of burning or scarring. It also works to coagulate blood vessels and reduce bruising.

How much does FaceTite cost?

The FaceTite procedure cost varies and depends on the breadth and number of areas you are treating. You will discuss a bespoke solution and price with your chosen doctor. However, prices for FaceTite treatment in the UK typically range from £3,500 to £5,000.

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How do I know if I am suitable for FaceTite?

During a consultation with your doctor, you will discuss the areas of skin laxity in your face and neck that concern you and whether FaceTite is the best treatment option for you.

This cosmetic procedure is ideal for patients in their mid-30s to early 50s, who have mild to moderate skin laxity and are not interested in a surgical facelift.

If you have had dermal filler treatment recently you may be required to wait a few months or dissolve the filler before undergoing FaceTite treatments.

If you are pregnant or currently breastfeeding you will not be suitable for a FaceTite treatment and will need to await the period of weaning your child, before we can embark on a treatment plan.

What can I expect to happen during treatment?

FaceTite treatments are carried out in an approved and accredited Care Quality Commission (CQC) surgical facility.

They can be done under local anaesthesia, light sedation or general anaesthesia. You will discuss your preference with your doctor and appropriate treatment will be decided.

On the day of the cosmetic procedure, the areas treated with FaceTite will be marked on your face. Small, neat holes will then be administered using a needle, not a scalpel, in order to enable the FaceTite device’ probe to enter the skin and deliver the radio-frequency energy.

These entry points are carefully positioned in order not to be visible and will heal soon after the procedure is complete.

The cosmetic procedure takes approximately 1 hour.

How many treatments will I need?

The FaceTite procedure requires one treatment session. For patients who wish to have a repeat session, an additional treatment can be performed nine months after the initial cosmetic procedure.

Does it hurt?

FaceTite is performed under local anaesthesia which is injected into the area to avoid discomfort. The process of placing the anaesthetic can be a little uncomfortable for some people.

For those who prefer it, or are especially sensitive to pain, FaceTite can also be performed under sedation or general anaesthesia.

What are the possible side effects?

Immediately after the cosmetic procedure, still under local anaesthesia you will experience no discomfort. As the anaesthesia wears off, any further pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Expect swelling, redness, tenderness and bruising after The FaceTite treatment, usually resolving itself within a week or two.

The incisions are made using a needle, so no stitches are required post-procedure and scarring around these tiny entry points is unlikely.

What FaceTite results can I expect?

Tissue tightening with FaceTite is not immediately visible, and results will be visible only after the bruising and swelTissue tightening with FaceTite is not immediately visible, and results will be visible only after the bruising and swelling subside. Similarly, improvements in tissue laxity will start to be noticeable in 1 to 2 weeks.

As this cosmetic procedure stimulates a wound healing response, further tissue tightening will happen over the next 3 to 6 months, further enhancing your desired youthful look.

Final results will be achieved in 9 to 12 months. Where fat has been targeted and fat cells destroyed, in the jowl or chin area, the body will naturally metabolise any remaining lipids which were not aspirated, leaving a noticeable reduction in fatty areas.

Based on clinical studies, FaceTite can tighten facial skin by up to 40%.

How long will the results last?

Results are long-lasting and while it is considered somewhat permanent, it is important to remember that our bodies, and skin, carry on ageing. Lifestyle including diet, exercise levels, sun exposure and alcohol and smoking habits, all impact our continued ageing process and might serve as an indication of additional required maintenance treatments.

You should expect results to last 2-4 years depending on the factors mentioned. The cosmetic procedure can be repeated after 3-5 years.

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