
Tummy Tuck for Men

tummy tuck for men

As society’s perspective on self-care continues to evolve, the popularity of cosmetic procedures among men is seeing a marked increase. One of the most common procedures for men is abdominoplasty, often referred to as a tummy tuck.

This guide offers a comprehensive look at the unique benefits a tummy tuck for men can achieve, as well as information on how the procedure is performed.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess, lax skin from the abdomen to create a more toned and flat appearance. While the procedure is largely similar for both genders, male tummy tucks often require a different approach due to the inherent anatomical differences in the male abdomen:

  • Fat Distribution: Men typically store fat around their waist and above the abdominal muscles, whereas women often have a higher concentration of fat stored beneath the muscles. This can affect the approach and techniques used to remove excess fat.
  • Muscle Structure: The abdominal muscles in men tend to be thicker and more defined. The process of tightening these muscles during a tummy tuck can differ from the techniques used on the usually thinner and more elongated female muscles.
  • Skin Quality: Men’s skin tends to be thicker with less underlying fat, which may require different surgical techniques and post-operative care to ensure optimal results.

Those distinctions differentiate female and male tummy tuck procedures and are taken in consideration by the surgeon.

Reasons to Consider a Tummy Tuck for Men

Men often consider tummy tucks due to a number of reasons. As we age, fat distribution changes, often accumulating around the abdomen. Significant weight loss can also leave behind sagging skin. For others, a desire for aesthetic enhancement or health-related reasons, such as post-injury recovery, might prompt the decision.

Abdominoplasty Men and Women Differences

While the fundamental principles of a tummy tuck remain the same for both genders, there are key differences in the approach and outcomes for men and women.

Women often seek a tummy tuck following pregnancy to repair muscle separation and remove lax skin. This can help to create a more contoured, flatter stomach while alleviating symptoms of diastasis recti, such as back pain.

On the other hand, men typically opt for tummy tucks to address age-related skin laxity or to remove excess skin following substantial weight loss. The goal for men is often to achieve a more chiseled, athletic look, focusing on enhancing the visibility of muscle tone. The procedure for men may also involve addressing love handles around the waistline, which are common problem areas for many men via an extended tummy tuck

Regardless of gender, it’s important to note that the incisions are dependent on the type of tummy tuck performed. e.g. a standard tummy tuck involves one around the naval and across the bikini line, while an extended tummy tuck involves an incision along the bikini line that extends beyond the hip bones to cover the lower flanks (and around the naval). A personalised approach is crucial in abdominoplasty to ensure that the procedure aligns with the patient’s concerns and the desired outcome.

The Tummy Tuck Process

The first step is a consultation with a skilled surgeon, such as those presented at Aesthetic Curators. After one of our surgeons has assessed your needs and ensured that you are eligible for a tummy tuck, a bespoke treatment plan will be created. You will then be booked in for surgery and will be supplied with pre-operative instructions that you must follow to prepare for the procedure.

A full tummy tuck takes around 2-5 hours to complete and is performed under a general anesthetic. Your surgeon will make an incision across the bikini line and around the naval, before removing the lax skin. The abdominal muscles will also be repaired if required, and the naval will be repositioned for a natural-looking finish. itself involves removing excess skin and fat and tightening abdominal muscles. Post-operative care is crucial, with recovery times varying based on the individual and procedure specifics. Like any surgery, tummy tucks come with potential risks and complications, all of which should be discussed in detail with your surgeon.

Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures

There are several approaches to abdominoplasty, each tailored to the patient’s specific needs:

  • Full Tummy Tuck: This procedure involves an incision across the bikini line and around the navel to contour the entire abdomen by removing excess skin while repairing muscle separation. 
  • Mini Tummy Tuck: Suitable for patients with mild skin laxity, this procedure targets the lower abdomen only and involves a single, smaller incision.
  • Lipoabdominoplasty: This combines liposuction with a tummy tuck to address excess skin and subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • Extended Tummy Tuck – This procedure also targets the lower flanks, commonly referred to as love handles, as well as the abdomen. 
  • Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty: This is typically for patients who have undergone massive weight loss and have a large amount of vertical skin laxity.

How to Maintain Results after a Tummy Tuck

To get the most out of your tummy tuck results, you will need to maintain a stable weight by sticking to a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise. Your surgeon can provide you with specific recommendations based on your condition. Attending all the required post-operative assessments with your doctor is also a crucial part of ensuring long-term success and monitoring results and recovery.

Male Tummy Tuck Cost

The cost of a tummy tuck at Aesthetic Curators starts from £8,900 for a mini tummy tuck and from £12,000 for a complete tummy tuck depending on a range of factors, such as the type of tummy tuck performed, anaesthetic used and whether other procedures are performed. These prices include all pre and post-operation checkups, nursing care, theatre time, surgeons’ fees, and anesthetist fees.

Recovery from a Tummy Tuck

After surgery, you may experience side effects such as swelling and bruising around the abdomen. Most patients feel able to return to work and daily activities after 1-2 weeks and can resume light exercise after 3-4 weeks. However, a full recovery can take up to 12 weeks, at which point you will be cleared to engage in more strenuous activities.

Complementary Procedures

A tummy tuck can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance overall body contour. These may include liposuction, gynecomastia surgery, or other body contouring procedures. Your surgeon can discuss these options with you to create a treatment plan that best meets your aesthetic goals.

Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is often combined with a tummy tuck to enhance the overall contouring effect. While a tummy tuck primarily addresses excess skin and tightens the underlying muscles, liposuction is an effective method for removing localised fat deposits that may remain in the abdomen or surrounding areas such as the flanks and lower back. This combination allows for a more refined and sculpted appearance, aligning with the patient’s specific aesthetic goals. Liposuction techniques and technologies have advanced significantly, enabling surgeons to achieve precise fat removal with minimal scarring and downtime, making it an appealing option to complement the tummy tuck procedure.

Gynecomastia Surgery and Tummy Tuck

Gynecomastia, or the enlargement of male breast tissue, is a condition that can be addressed concurrently with a tummy tuck to achieve a more harmonious and masculine upper body profile. This combined approach can be particularly beneficial for men seeking comprehensive body contouring. Gynecomastia surgery typically involves the removal of excess glandular tissue, fat, and sometimes skin to reduce breast size and create a flatter chest contour. By integrating gynecomastia surgery with a tummy tuck, the patient can enjoy a more streamlined and masculine appearance, often leading to increased self-confidence and satisfaction with the overall result. Combining these procedures may also offer practical benefits, such as reduced overall recovery time and cost efficiencies, when compared to having the surgeries separately.

A tummy tuck can be a life-changing procedure for men, offering a solution to excess skin and stubborn fat that diet and exercise cannot fully address. At Aesthetic Curators, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care and delivering natural-looking results tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy. Schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons today to explore your options and take the first step towards a more confident you.


Is a tummy tuck a substitute for weight loss?

No, a tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. It’s best suited for individuals who are already at their ideal weight but struggle with skin laxity in the abdomen.

Can I drive after my tummy tuck surgery?

You will not be able to drive immediately after surgery or while taking pain medications. Typically, patients can resume driving within 2-3 weeks or once they can do so without experiencing discomfort.

Will a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks?

A tummy tuck can remove stretch marks located on the excess skin that’s being removed, typically those located below the belly button. However, a tummy tuck won’t treat stretch marks on the remaining skin.

What are the potential risks and complications of a tummy tuck?

As with any surgery, a tummy tuck carries potential risks such as infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, changes in skin sensation, and complications related to anaesthesia. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in detail during your consultation and will take steps to minimise potential complications.

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