Face Surgery

Brow Lift Surgery

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure aimed at raising the soft tissue and skin on the forehead and around the eyes, significantly improving their appearance and the overall facial construction. 

Patients usually choose to undergo a brow lift surgery when they suffer sagging beneath and around the brows, an occurrence commonly associated with ageing. Others find that their brows are placed relatively low within their facial structure or that their brows are simply placed on different levels in the forehead, a condition that is otherwise referred to as brow asymmetry. 

Patients often tend to consider eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) when in fact the effective solution is brow lift surgery. Consequently, it is vital to consult expert cosmetic surgeons in order to diagnose the problem correctly and avoid mistaking your surgical needs. 

Our recommended experts are award-winning senior aesthetic plastic surgeons, experts and specialists in their respective fields. During your consultation with your chosen professional, you will establish whether the brow lift cosmetic surgery option is the best solution for your concerns, or whether a non-surgical approach is more suited for your needs.

Surgery time
1 hour
Hospital time
Half day
3 days
6 hours
3 days
Stay home
3 days
5 days
2 weeks
Full recovery
2 weeks

Brow Lift Before & After

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Benefits of a Brow Lift

The brow lift procedure is commonly used to smooth forehead wrinkles, reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area (crow’s feet), improve sagging eyelids, reposition the browline and restore the arch in the eyebrows. 

Brow lift surgery is an ideal choice for patients concerned with the following aesthetic issues:

  • Tired or mournful appearance due to sagging or low positioned eyebrow
  • Deep horizontal creases across the forehead
  • Frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows or across the top of the nose
  • Excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over your eyes

How Much Does A Brow Lift Cost?

You will discuss a bespoke solution and price with your chosen plastic surgeon. However, prices for brow lift surgery with our recommended surgeons start from £5,400. Brow lift surgery can also be combined and benefit from other cosmetic treatments, priced separately.

Types of Brow Lifts

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Your cosmetic surgeon will insert a thin flexible tube with a light and a camera attached to it (endoscope) through small incisions behind your hairline. Your surgeon will then be able to examine and view the underlying muscles and tissues in the forehead. Through another incision your surgeon will then use specialised appliances to pull and lift the tissue and anchor it using sutures. The incisions are then stitched and remain invisible.

Coronal Brow Lift

Your surgeon will make an incision behind your hairline, across the top of your head, usually from ear to ear. The skin on the forehead will then be pulled and lifted, with the overlapping remaining skin on the scalp incised. Coronal brow lift is usually not performed on patients who suffer from thinning hair, hair loss or a significantly high or receding hairline.

Hairline Brow Lift

Your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision that runs through the top of the head to the hairline. Skin and tissue will be pulled and lifted from the top of the forehead to prevent your hairline from being pulled back. The hairline brow lift procedure is designed for patients who have a high or receding hairline.

Brow Lift Procedure

A brow lift surgery takes around one hour of operation, and is usually performed under local anaesthesia or sedation. After an examination, your surgeon will advise you on the most suitable type of brow lift for you and discuss the procedure with you in detail during a consultation.

Brow Lift Recovery

A detailed outline of your post-surgery recovery and timeline will be thoroughly discussed before and after your procedure, and a follow-up assessment arranged. However, it is invaluable that you take time to rest and recover from your surgery. In order to contribute to your successful and safe healing, you should take the following time-frames into consideration:

7 days: Any stitches or sutures will be removed. Patients are encouraged to be mildly active but avoid any strenuous activity. You can safely return to work.

3-4 Weeks: The sensation in your scalp will begin to return and you might feel itchiness as nerves resume their activity.  You can now safely resume full activity, although heavy lifting and straining are still prohibited.  

3-6 months: The final outcome of your procedure may take several months to show, but as the scalp and hairline incisions heal completely, you will begin to enjoy the results of your surgery.

Complementary Procedures

Brow lift surgery can be combined with almost any facial procedures. Patients who undergo brow lift surgery usually combine it with other facial procedures that address sagging skin and laxity issues in the face:

Brow Lift and Eyelid Surgery

When a brow lift surgery is done in conjunction with eyelid surgery it allows the surgeon to plan a comprehensive approach to the patient’s upper facial structure. Patients also consider undergoing both procedures simultaneously as they require the same recovery period, allowing patients to complete their recovery from both procedures at the same time.

Brow Lift and Facelift

Due to the similar surgical principles and methods applied in brow lift and facelift surgery, both procedures can also be performed together. As with eyelid surgery, when brow lift and facelift are done in conjunction it allows the surgeon to plan a cohesive course for both the upper and lower face.

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Is a brow lift permanent?

Facial plastic surgery procedures last longer than minimally invasive non-surgical treatments, as they usually involve the removal of skin or fat to rejuvenate the face and reduce the signs of ageing. 

Although somewhat permanent, it is important to remember that our bodies, and skin, carry on ageing. Lifestyle including diet, exercise levels, sun exposure and alcohol and smoking habits, all impact our continued ageing process and might serve as an indication of additional required maintenance treatments. You should expect the brow lift surgery to last for up to 10 years, depending on the factors mentioned.

Who should get a brow lift?

Patients most suitable for eyebrow lift surgery suffer from conditions usually associated with the ageing process. Sagging or drooping brows, loss of skin elasticity in the brow, eye and forehead wrinkles, are among the concerns raised by patients and resolved with brow lift surgery. Whereas, non-surgical alternatives are usually more suitable for younger patients who exhibit asymmetry in the brows or are unhappy with the position of their brows.

During a consultation with your surgeon, you will discuss whether a surgical procedure is the best option for achieving your desired result. A full medical history will be taken during your consultation to uncover any allergies, medication administration or other issues that might be unsuitable for anaesthesia or surgical interventions.

If you are pregnant or currently breastfeeding you will not be suitable for eyelid surgery and will need to await the period of weaning your child before embarking on a treatment plan.

Is a brow lift the same as a forehead lift?

Yes, a brow lift surgery is sometimes referred to as a forehead lift. 

Is a brow lift covered by insurance?

Procedures that are commonly performed for aesthetic reasons are considered elective surgeries, usually not covered by medical insurance. However, some aesthetic procedures deemed a medical necessity allow for insurance coverage. Please consult with your insurance provider.

Will a brow lift leave scars?

Brow lift incisions and resulting scarring depend on the type of brow lift your surgeon considered most suitable for your needs. However, as incisions are strategically placed, typically within or at the hairline, they stay well concealed.

Will a brow lift make my eyes more open?

Yes, one of the prominent benefits of brow lift cosmetic surgery is the resulting appearance of the eyes.  Reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the eye, improving sagging eyelids and restoring the arch in the eyebrows, are all contributing factors in the resulting appearance of wider, more open eyes.

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